The cost of saving the Euro is like tips compared to WW2

WW3. Historian Clare Predticson thinks the Euro crisis is a great opportunity for Germany to become the anti-Hitler. -Technically they have paid their dues for WW1 and WW2, but economically..., if you think about the price tag to defeat Hitler, the euro bill is a smal order.

It was Europe, Australia, Russia, parts of Africa and Asia and USA who took the World War bills and they paid them without having wast amounts of cash lying around. -In that respect I think Iceland should put up the money cause they got nothing.

But what pussels the professor is how did Europe end up in a conflict caused by the system set up to prevent it from happening? -The European Union wasn`t really about avoiding war, it was more to take a break. You hear it the way they talk about each other that they are no longer friends: "Hey! I`m not paying for that!". Soon they`ll find something else to argue about and before you know it their at it again.

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