The Former President of Iran speaks out about his fear of the Iranian people

-In addition to mad dictator hair color I
use a wig. 
Truth bomb. -I can`t sleep at night. I have daymares. I go to secret therapy, but I`m still scared. Look at what happened to Muammar Gaddafi. Imagine what they`ll do to me, says Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

-I get psoriasis just thinking about it. My secret head doctor put me on  antidepressant, ironically made in USA, it helps, but I feel indifferent. Now you know why I`m always smiling like I don`t know whats going on.

-The funny part is when I opened up to my shrink and told her how we run this country she wanted me to take stronger pills immediately. So I had to remove her with a more understanding doctor. Can`t have people like that have power over others.

Photo Parmida76