Africans miss blaming white people

McVictim. -It was easier to get away with stuff after we took over cause we could blame the white man. That worked pretty well for about 40 years. What we need now is another excuse who can take us through the next 40, says Mugabe to Total Times.

-I think thats why so many African leaders make deals with the Chinese. At one point their going to say screw this and use it as an excuse to take the gravy. The brilliance with blaming China is that its an excellent homerun with the whites.

-It takes the steam of their slavedays and even though they know it`s bullshit, they`ll buy it cause it sounds too good. And we don`t have to lissen to the democracy crap cause they treat their own like dogs too. It still dazzles me...

Photo Tech. Sgt. Jeremy Lock (USAF)