Mexicans use drugs to fight fear in the war on drugs

Mexican army prepares for a random monster drive by.
Elcocaino. It might look like a remake of world war 2 movie, shoot in Mexico to cut the costs, but no. Anywhere, anytime, real war scenes take place.

Swedish Intelligence strongly advice tourist to take drugs at all times. -If they can fire machine guns in public, then you can use drugs in public, says Soft Intelligence Officer Blondie Hawk.

-It`s better this way, when you come home you`ll think it was a bad dream and you don`t have to do therapy, write a book or go on a speaking tour lecturing about it for the rest of your life.

-The war on drugs will make you more paranoid than drugs even can. You`ll be so afraid of getting killed you`ll end up taking the damn shit to calm your nerves. I never thought I`d say this as a safety Inspector, but yes, if your going to Mexico, use drugs, it`s for your own protection and try it out a few times before you go so you know the feeling. 

Rifle for hire ready to blow your brains out. 

Photos Claudio Andres