Arrogant prick thinks he can save the world

Grand Jerk Auto. -The world is coming to and end in multiple ways and I`m the only one who can save it, but I`m not going to do it, says Paul Anderson, a 23 year old "man" from Connecticut who just grew his first beard.

-I`m an American, so right there I`m over qualified. Plus I went to school so wow! And I got a driving license... yippee ki-yay, motherfuckers!

-I`m waiting for an invitation to join the SAS, NSA, FBI, CIA, or BLA BLA BLA any time now. They`ll probably burst through the roof "we need you now!".

-I`ll tell them "Can`t you see I`m in the middle of a porno movie? God damn, where are your manners?" Then I`ll continue jerking off and tell them "I`ll be back to you when I`m done".

-The next 30 minutes will probably be very uncomfortable for them. Then the next 2 hours it gets weird. After another 6 hours of them standing there watching me I will ask them "can you guys come back tomorrow... make that next week".

Photo Jon Haynes Photography