-I`ve developed a different persona after I began commuting with individual transport. I tell people to go f@3k themselves all the time now. I newer had the guts to that on the subway, but now, in the comfort of my own personality, I do it all the time - even to people who don`t deserve it. I installed a f@#k meter. Apparently I say it 68 times an hour. F@#k.
-I have room for 5 people, but I don`t take passengers. This is for me only. 65 years on the public road has turned me into quite a human hater. I take pride in giving the finger to people yelling taxi on the sidewalk. "I`m busy. I drive me. Get your own f@#king vehicle!".
-But theres something with New York that makes me wanna crash the car. Drive into a jewelry store. Maybe I`ve seen to many movies... I love Die Hard in New York. That car chase. Thats how I`m gonna go. One last motherf@#ker.