iPad Nano - hardcover delivered online

No f@#king way! -Yes way! And you better watch your head so the book doesn`t hit you in the face. There is comes! See how it materializes?! With the WiFi you get instant delivery. Preliminary it`s only available for goods smaller then the screen, we have to get it through it too. It can be as long as you wish. A fishing rod is no problem. However, we`re working on a shrinking technology which can resemble back to 1/1 on the iPad.

-It`s the nano microwave layer technology who builds the product back into reality after receiving the electric version. It has been tested on pets too with great results, but there`s no return buttons so the pets got lost. A lot of children cried.

-Humans will be able to use it for traveling in the near future. You can send your garbage straight to the landfill. You can get rid off your ex or ship grandma to the moon and you don`t have to worry about anything really. It can print money. Travel in time. Ups... where the F*#K am I???!!! HELP!!!!!!

Photo Sergio Palma Hidalgo