Dictators Anonymous

Free spirit. Once a week dictators meet to deal with their demons in a secret location east of Hidden. It`s called Dictators Anonymous and it`s about fucking time.

-I joined cause the people around me forces me. Not cause I cause I have a problem. I don`t have a problem! But everybody else seems to have a problem with me, says one participant. -I don`t belong here. These people are idiots. Their idiots! Do you hear me!!!

Not everyone has an easy time admitting to themselves they suffer from power. Nobody actually, very few indeed ever pass step one without their surroundings forcing them to.

They become a liability to the people and they don`t notice cause their high on power. Since it`s system abuse who makes them high they end up in a vicious spiral. Kinda like contraception. It`s going nowhere.

 Photo The Wandering Angel