Nuclear turbulence. -I`ve never cursed so much in my whole life. I think I told the copilot to go $%&**#$%$# $$$$$ % &% **^*^##>
@ #$$%&% #$2**Ø%&$#z#$ ##$% X <2#$%*##&%** ##$%?? +*@X$# %&$ &%* * *ZXC# $%$& $ "#"$% & *Æ^`?=>Z "$$%&%* **@@** @#$ &%/$# ## #$#%&%& %<
atleast 50 times. Thank god he didn`t speak Japanese. Well, if he did then we wouldn`t had those problems, so I guess he got the message.
Photo Hyougushi
@ #$$%&% #$2**Ø%&$#z#$ ##$% X <2#$%*##&%** ##$%?? +*@X$# %&$ &%* * *ZXC# $%$& $ "#"$% & *Æ^`?=>Z "$$%&%* **@@** @#$ &%/$# ## #$#%&%& %<
atleast 50 times. Thank god he didn`t speak Japanese. Well, if he did then we wouldn`t had those problems, so I guess he got the message.
Photo Hyougushi