Get ready for Tourette Society`s anal meeting

Dancescript. The Tourette Society`s annual meeting turns into a shitball every year. Usually it don`t last more than a few minutes before nasty take over. This year it didn`t even get started before the monkeys got at it. The following is a transcript the club by law has to record for insurance reasons.

-I hereby declare the mee... meee... me... . FUCK!!!! FUUUCCKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hereby declare the meet meet meeting ing meeting o O o op FUCK! MOTHERFUCKER KILL JUICE Balllicker assmunkey Bullpork ARk! OPEN!

-First off we have to decide whether or not to raise the membership fee with 50 $. Raise your hands in favor... 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 TRAITORS, FUCK MONKEYS!!!! ÆÆÆÆÆÆH!!!!! 9,10,11,12 FUCK!

-Against... 1,2,3...3 3?! ??? I`LL KILL YOU!!! ÆÆÆH!!! GO TO HELL!!!!!!!! Fuck this. Mettings closed!  Ass bitches!

Photo Eric and Christian