It's a Tie-In

Buy 2, get 1 for the monthly pay of a sweat shop worker

Trade is up and stores want their share, in fact, some more than others. 

-We have tried other campaigns like, buy 40 for the price of 39, and spend more than $100 and use the toilet for free, but customers wanted to bargain on the deal, like "give me two free toilet visits", "hell no, I'm not having you come back to my store to make a dump!", says the store manager at Barry's Ties.  

-So what we did was hire a bouncer to check if the customers really needed to use the toilet, turns out most of them didn't when faced with a 400 pound gorilla. 

-We finally got our sales boom when I gave up and tried to convince them to not wear them. "Keep it in your pocket, blow your nose with it", "show your boss you can affort to use it as a paper tissue". 

-It's all about understanding the younger generation, they don't take people up the system like me serious. To make the shop floor common ground, I don't take them serious either.