Shaking Planet

Our planet`s anti-freeze program sometimes needs to adjust inner heat production and let out some steam to stay in balance, depending on where it is in the galaxy. For those who think the sun heats up our planet or that global warming has anything to do with what gasses we humans let out in the atmosphere - think again.  Global warming is absolutely necessary to prevent space freezing. Its our planets anti-freeze program. Protecting our world from the cold of the universe. If not convinced, try standing on the moon in a pair of shorts... Without it, we`ll all die. Try to fuck with it like that asshole All Gore it`s like following a roadmap to extinction. If we all followed his advice our planet will overheat and explode.

Who needs Taliban to shake things up when you got homebombs like Al Gore speaking around. Why doesn`t he mention how much money he makes on the preaching in his speeches? Well, if he did, nobody would lissen to a damn word.