The Koran 2.0

The long avaited Koran 7 is an upgrade of the ancient text where they have removed all the problems associated with the previous Koran Vista. As believers grew frustrated with Vista, religious leaders saw no reason to invest time and energy in an edition who caused so much violence and frustration. Instead they choosed to continue preaching the more stabile versions Koran XP or even Islam 95 in their mosques.

All the violence and treats with Koran Vista damaged Islams reputation so badly the launch of Koran 7 is a believe or not to believe for Islam at the religious market. Among the upgrades is the previously non existing behavior ware program religion 2010 with demonstration wall and anti violence, pluss Norton antifear with bomb protection and anti marriage.

The religious upgrade of the Islamic software is the first of it`s kind. Where the previous revisions where  mere downgrades than upgrades, this one is, for the first time, designed to make Islam Computer Inc more capable with the rest of world. 1500 years late according to critics.