Finland Doesn't Buy Putins Horseshit

-We don't buy his dogshit either, cause it's shit. To be fair, he doesn't buy our shit either, but atleast we're not trying to sell it?! says the Finnish Surpriseminister. 

-Russia is like a kinderegg, you never know what the fuck your gonna get. So living next door, we got to watch our step, otherwise we'll walk in shit. 

Finns admit Putin deserves a leg up for trying. -That way, he can take a dump at the same time, extra bonus for whoever's buying. It can't be easy selling shit, but if it's all you got.. a man got to do what a man got to do. 

Finland, who beat Russia last time they went to war, took another path in the world than that of a travelig shit salesman.

-We make products that people need, that makes them happy and improves their quality of life, which is so fucking far from what Russia's doing, unless they made propaganda toilets to go along with scaring people shitfaced.