Studies show concentration prisoners had no problems with concentration

Hyperjugend. The results from the Oxford history professor throws new light at WW2. Then why where they there?

-It must have been something else. The work they did obiously took a lot of concentration. Consider the poor conditions under which they performed these hard tasks, it is quite impressive actually.

-There is no signs of ADHD anywhere, whatsoever. If they had filled these camps with the hyperactive kids of today, no army in the world could keep them there for more than two minutes. Indications show that if they had done so, the war would have been over in 1941.

-To name the institution a concentration camp is obviously a misconception. Very much like the suicide bombers of today. They are cold blooded murderers, not self sacrificing victims which they sound like when you call them suicide bombers. Concentrate for f sake.

Photo US Embassy New Zealand