Hong Kong Police Now Works For The Chinese Communist Triad Vigilantes - The CCTV

 No Hong Kong's Tiananmen vigil or 


Well,.. if this guy is in Hong Kong the corrupt authorities in the main land can forget about calling it off. There's no way this dude is giving in. 1.500.000.000 more like him and they can take on any army in the world. Maybe even every army in the world. For starters... just a thought.

Anyway, many protesters say they are going to wear pink shirts this time, to show there is different grades of red. It doesn't have to be full on communist red all the time.

The idea of coming nude in huge numbers are also circulating in Hong Kong. To wank off in front of the CCTV police untill they do what they came for, a bloddy massacre. The news footage would shut down CCTV forever.