Trump Thinks WHO Sucks Donkey

Money Run. -We're not giving money to a Chinese puppet. If people want to give their hard earned cash themselves, thats fine by me, but I'm not doing it on their behalf, says president Trump.

-Having said that, I'd seriously prefer they give the money to me. I got an expensive campaign coming up. I got to beat a senil demented old man in the election so I need all the help I can get.

-It's gonna cost us more to beat this old fart than I've spent on the China disease. It's like an election disease. Just like you do everyhing to stay away from the Chinese disease, you do everything you can to stay away from Biden.

-I assure you, he would have killed, excuse me, more Americans would have died if he was the president. Trust me, I know, from experience. Biden would be a disaster. The best way to avoid one, the one we're currently in, is to keep me in power. I know how to handle this, right?!

Photo svklimkin