LGBTQ Astronaut On Moon

Thats Right! Just when space was getting boring NASA found a way to spice it up, thanks to SpaceSex, the private space sector. -Space is all about getting as far away from ourselfs as possible without loosing ourselfs, so bring your privates!, says SpaceSex boss Cool Electrics.

SpaceSex hope that this mission will take them one step further on the way to find an exit plan from planet earth. -We need somewhere to go, maybe even before the next pandemic. Who knows, it might attack earth itself.

-We still haven't figured out how we're going to transport billions people out there. Chances are we never will. Realisticly it's more about getting a few out there to start all over again. We're sending austronauts to every %$&@ planet we can and hopefully on will settle before warth blows up.

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