Dictator Games Is So Yesterday

 Asking teenangers wether on not they are going to watch the upcoming winter olympics, most answers "what?".

Which is not surprising. Who really cares about dictators, regimes and communists in the free world? Nobody.., so you can't blame kids today for thinking it's a lame series on one of the countless streaming services. 

Among the more surprising findings in the survey Olympics today by Asia Institute in Vancuver, was that nearly everybody under 25 thinks China is a town in Eastern Europe. -It must be the embassy situation in Lithuania with Taiwan who got them mixed up, no that they care, says Caroll Rice, who oversaw the survey. 

-We asked them if they could at least spell Beijing, and we came up short. We got answears like, "I don't speak Polish", "I've never been to Eastern Europe", "my aunt is from Latvia, she would know" or "I lost contact with my siblings across the continent a long time ago, I have no fucking idea"... that kinda answers. 

-Our conclusion of the survey is that both winter olympics and communism is a bad idea and combined even worse. It's been so many dictator games in recent decades, both the summer and winter games are ruined, but there is hope, nobody has tried spring games and autumn games. 

-We strongly advice a fresh start, at least to attract young eyeballs from the free world.