Broke Covid Rule: Accused of Mass Murder

 Killing Grandma!

Bombay, India. A total of 500 young adults in the Indian megacity went nuts in an underground party at a skyscraper downtown. The Police recieved concerned calls from the public in what they though was a local earth quake. 

-The building was shaking. So we evacuated the area and wow, did we get a surprise went our task force entered the building. We had to do something drastic to change the game, says Mumbai City Police media relations officer Kiran Parashar. 

-We have lots of money, we are contected, why should we not do this? says Sonia Mehra, member of the ultra rich elite who practically own Mumbai. Well.., that was the thinking before hell broke loose. Now it's all about making sure this never comes to trial. 

Photo Bashkar